Monday, August 28, 2006

Optive With Contact Lenses

Conference Print

Documentary Festival International Festival of Documentary of civic engagement and social
First Edition, City of Cortona

press conference Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 12:00
Hall Fresco Media
Regionale Toscana
Via San Gallo 25 - Firenze

Thursday, August 24, 2006

How To Save Gb4iphone

otium Theatre - Useful idiots

Con "utili idioti" il Teatro dell'Otium intende ripercorrere le motivazioni politiche che portarono il 3 maggio del 1965, in occasione di un convegno organizzato a Roma dall'Istituto Pollio, a pianificare quella che successivamente prese il nome di "strategia del terrore": la costituzione di un potere occulto, gestito da una direzione strategica che, dietro le quinte, muoverà le fila delle organizzazioni parallele coordinando le molteplici componenti operative per incanalarle verso l'obiettivo finale che doveva rimanere ignoto agli stessi operativi....

A Lecce, il 24 agosto, before the show, will be 'screened iltrentasette, memories of a city' wound .

for information on the show: Theatre otium

to download the brochure of the show useful idiots

Monday, August 21, 2006

Caesars Palace Bathrobe


Documentary Documentary Festival civil

22, 23, 24 September 2006

Cortona (AR)

Feet Scenes Movie And Tv

festival film festival

Intercultural Center
"M. Zonarelli"
Quartiere San Donato
via Sacco, 14 - Bologna tel

. Intercultural Center 051 4222072 Zonarelli
tel. 051 6337519 - 051 204646 Cultural Office Quartiere San Donato

Monday, August 7, 2006

Stomach Acid Burns Throat


as you can see the movie?

now you can view it online via Arcoiris TV following the link view the film. E 'can participate in the projections that are organized. The next will be: August 18 to Terni, the Communist Party of the PRC and September 24 in Cortona, during the 'Engage documentary festival. Teachers can call or video library of the Regional Council of Emilia-Romagna (Daniela Asquini) or to the Documentation Centre on historical political massacres, terrorism and political violence, Cedost (Venturoli Cynthia), or by sending an email to organize a screening in your city. Currently there are no printing and distribution on DVD.