[trip.10] THE SPHERICAL MINDS - "transpheres"
Taking a panoramic tour of my favorite netlabels ho trovato questo affascinante album che distrattamente avevo trascurato circa un mese fa, al tempo della sua uscita. Si tratta di " transpheres " di THE SPHERICAL MINDS , rilasciato dalla belga Tripostal. Il progetto nasce in Francia nel 2001 dall'unione di Paul Chantereau, Valentin Chantereau, Mathieu Maestracci e Clement Vullion con l'intento di esplorare nuove sonorità unendo strumenti acustici quali violoncello e pianoforte ad atmosfere tipicamente trip-hop-dub. Il risultato di questo esperimento sono due album rilasciati rispettivamente nel 2003 ("De ira", Thundering Records) e nel 2005 ("Fern", Carte Postal Records). Così dopo sei anni di assenza ecco tornare these spherical and intelligent minds with five new songs that manage to combine with seductive ease progressive structures, components, dub and ambient, post rock and Latin rhythms without ever overdoing it and maintaining control over every element, giving the album a homogeneity and a sound very original. The initial opening with the long suite "Fautless Time Coming" (12 '), a piece that glosses over different atmospheres with poignant intensity changes and dynamics, preparing the listener for a fluent and exciting journey. The sinuous "Coda Music" touches on the use of shades of dub effects in the initial rhythm, which shortly after South American flavors differ in supporting the entire first half on a wonderful piano dialogue to end with a second party running on a low pace with moog only "underground" of guitar and rhythmic distortions. The Spherical Minds have a capacity to unite the different influences that I try to use an adjective that I do not use hardly ever: genius. The touching "Raising in the city" get through with the natural fluency of a French pop song intro early 80s (remember Lio?) To a melancholy piano melody, vaguely post-rock with ease slowing the progress of the piece for then finish it bravely with two minutes of sound loops in slowly fading. "Kokkola transition" instantly caught with his seductive and sinuous rhythm in 3 / 4, the female voice (in reverse? Cut?) Absolutely fantastic and reckless distortion on the snare (at first I thought that I had melted the headphones) and then finishing with four minutes of pure aimed dub and avant-garde. "Life (vest) under your seat" resumed the conversation started in prog opener ... 10 minutes ranging from dark trip hop, delicate guitar arpeggios, electronic pianos intimidated and balanced. The Spherical Minds are not afraid to be daring and give birth to a full album, creative and complete. A magic box where you can find everything you want. Thanks.
Coda Music
Kokkola Transition
The Spherical Minds
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